Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The invisible Jack in the Box

Please, read this story!
for: Mom!
from: Bianca!

Once upon a time, there lived a "Jack in the Box". That jack in the Box didn't have a family. He couldn't be seen. He was invisible. If he touched a flower, it went invisible like him.

He liked being invisible. He was a villain. Every time he saw someone, he would push him, so he became invisible too. But then, they could not see each other at all. Soon, every one was invisible. They all bumped into each other.

So, Jack in the Box went to Merlin. He was a magician. Jack in the Box said to Merlin: "I would like to be uninvisible again !!! Please!!!" But the problem was that Merlin could not see him. So he had to be invisible forever.

The end.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Scufita Rosie

Film cu Scufita Rosie realizat la Praga in 1920 - regizor Svatopluk Innemann

Cum Daria parea interesata de povestea cu Scufita Rosie m-am gandit sa va fac cadou si tie, Bianca, si Dariei, acest film de 38 secunde.

Alt film cu Scufita Rosie, de data aceasta de desene animate: regizor Zdenek Miller (1948)

Si aici este Alba ca Zapada si Cei Sapte Pitici (1933); regizor Oldřich Kmínek

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

The kid that always said 'yes'

Once upon a time, there lived a kid that always said 'yes'. Even when he wanted to say no. That's why he was named ........? Yes! Weird name. I know.

His brother always laughed at him because of that. His grandpa and mom and dad laughed at him. Only his grandma didn't laugh at him.

He didn't have many friends at all. Only three (3). Their names were Alex, Dadia and No.

One day, Yes discovered a nest. No came over to see it. It was on the ground.

"Dadia, come here! Yes found a nest! It has four eggs in it", No said.

"Can we keep it, dad? One for each of us?", asked Dadia.

Soon, the eggs hatched and everybody had everyone for pets. Dadia named hers Red because it was the color red. Alex named his Blue because of the same reason. And No and Yes picked color names, too, for the same reason.

After the pets died, Yes and No grew up. They married each other.

The End.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Video cu Bianca si Daria

Am incercat sa fac un video in care sa plimb camera fotografica peste desenele facute de Bianca si Daria si apoi peste o poza in care ele sunt amandoua. Am folosit ca fond muzical o lucrare de John Cage: Studies for Toy Piano.

Probabil ca muzica este prea tare - si desigur ca trebuia sa aranjez iluminarea camerei - ca sa nu se vada tot timpul umbra mainii mele si a camerei fotografice.

Insa mi-am zis sa pun pe blog deocamdata ceea ce am resuit - probabil ca peste mai multa vreme voi putea sa produc un video mai bun.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Papagalii din Alexandria

Porneste acest video si o sa ii auzi pe papagali, iar la sfarsit o sa ma auzi si pe mine.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I am a penguin!

There was a penguin named Feathers. He had a little sister named Pebbles.
"Once I ate a pebble", said Feathers. "And I had to go to the hospital". "Me too!", said his little sister, Pebbles. "No, Pebbles", said Feathers. "Dear, you're late for school!", said mom.
Oh, no! Said Feathers. He ran outside. There was the school-penguin-bus. Feathers was just in time. But there was no driver! Feathers was scared. Just then, he heard a voice. This was no school-penguin-bus. It was a truck!

It was a good thing mom noticed. But just then, a stranger appeared. THE VILLAIN IS IN ANTARCTICA! Mom said. He had caught her. He took Feathers' mom to a zoo. The ones that owned the zoo said that they did not need another mom pinguin.
So the villain planned to kill the poor penguin. Feathers had to do something! He swam to America. He got on land. He saw the villain's home. He rescued his mom from the villain. And they all lived hapilly ever after!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I love fish! I used to have a fish for a pet. But it died. His name was Sam. He was the color blue.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I love writing!

Let me tell you a little about myself. I live with my mom, my dad, my sister, grandma and grandpa. We are six people. I live in a little yellow house. It's not too tall. I have a yard with 2 trees in the front.



Monday, September 10, 2007

My memories

Some of my memories are:
#1: When I was a little girl, I remember that I splashed in a little pool. I loved that! I think I was 3 years old. I was alone - all alone. I was outside when that happened. I love water!!!
#2: I was born in 2000, so like Right Now, I am 7 years old. And Right Now, it is : 2007!!!
#3: When I was 6 years old, I was on a airplane, I met a boy named: Peter.
#4: A little time before, I began to have lice. So I had to get a haircut. At first I liked it. Then I began to panic all because I thought the people would think that I was a boy.


Sunday, August 5, 2007

In gradina

Kenneth Noland, In the Garden

Kenneth Noland, In gradina. Fetita din mijloc, marcata cu un X. O fi Alice, explorand delicat o gradina unde miracole sunt la tot pasul? O fi Bianca? Ori Daria?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

La Niki la Vaslui

In excursia noastra la Vaslui din primavara, am facut sute de poze... Va arat doar citeva, o selectie cu cele mai reusite.

Cei doi nazdravani, Danny si Gabi, sint nepotii lui Niki. Asadar, verisori cu Bianca si Daria... Si s-au jucat de minune impreuna cind s-au vazut. In poza urmatoare, Danny.

Dar sa il las pe Niki sa povesteasca ultima peripetie a lui Danny, aflata acum citeva zile:

[Niki: ] Ma intrebati in scrisoarea anterioara ce mai fac nazdravanii mei. Nazdravanii vin foarte rar la mine, cand li se face dor de joaca sau cand li se strica vreo jucarie ca sa o repare bunicul. Asta pentru ca stau acasa cu mama care e in vacanta! Dar tot nazdravani sunt! Gabi e mai cuminte ca e mai mare si mai intelegator, dar Danny e un dracusor! Saptamana trecuta i-a lasat maica-sa afara singuri cu bicicletele in jurul blocului. Gabi a lasat bicicleta sa se plimbe un prieten al lui cu ea , iar el s-a apucat de joaca cu alti copii. Danny a prins momentul ca nu se uita Gabi la el , a plecat cu alti doi copii cu bicicletele pe strada. Seara Gabi s-a alertat ca nu e Danny, a anuntat-o pe Cristina care l-a chemat pe Marius. Dupa investigatii a aflat ca au plecat spre o comuna din suburbia Vasluiului (la vreo 4 Km de casa). S-a dus dupa ei! Nu i-a gasit pana acolo! Cand s-a intors, ei veneau tacticosi spre casa! Cristina nu ne-a spus nimic decat a doua zi! Geta a certat-o ca de ce nu ne-a anuntat si pe noi! A replicat prompt: Daca va anuntam, mureati amandoi! Astia sunt nazdravanii mei!
Gabi, iar in spatele lui ceilalti trei ghidusi.

Daria, Gabi si Bianca.

Cristina mea si Niki.

In poza aceasta, Bianca si Gabi.

Cei patru verisori, pe leaganul construit de Niki.

In jurul lui Geta, sintem de la stinga Andrei, Niki, Cristina lui Niki si sotul sau Marius - parintii nazdravanilor.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Super Bianca

Once upon a time there lived a Super family. They lived in the sun. One of them was unusual. Her name was Super Bianca. She was afraid of bugs.

One day the entire super family was captured except Super Bianca. All the rooms and beds were taken!

"By Hades!" yelled Super Bianca. She ran after her family. "Oh, no, no!", replied Hades. He tried to stop her but Super Bianca used her power to destroy Hades. She followed Hades to his cave. Super Bianca saved her family and ...... Boom! Super Bianca ran safely to the sun and put all the stuff back to normal.

"Super Bianca", said Super Michael, "You're our hero! I have one more favor to ask you, Super Bianca. Go and capture Hades!".

"OK", she said, and she went to Hades's cave. She slowly captured him and no one could save him.

My smily face woman smiles all the time

The king and queen of rats

Pasta with ketchup

Monday, July 9, 2007

Mama always feeds her kids

"One day, you will have to grow bigger',' said mama.''And I'm going to name you: Bianca-Daria." And that's what she did. Bianca-Daria got bigger and bigger and bigger and she was 8 years old. Mama let her go outside alone. She played on the swing set and after a little while, she got bored. Bianca-Daria went inside to ask her mom for a snack, because she was hungry.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The ugly puppy (A song).

1:1 year old puppy,
2:the puppy was ugly,
3:he had NO mother!
4: the puppy was...................BLIND!
5:his name was: BLIND!
6: all the time he was SAD!
the end

Friday, June 22, 2007

Not going to school

Kate looked at the ceiling. It was morning. But still all the people were asleep. Then kate saw a girl with black skin. Finally, her mom woke up."Time to wake up, Kate!", said mom. "Mom, a girl with black skin is in our yard!" said Kate.

Kate's older brother Tom heard that, and said: "Let's chase her out!. Kate shook her head: "It's not nice! If you went in her yard, she might chase us out!" Mom nodded. Tom frowned.

"I'm going outside to met her", said Kate and went outside.

"Hello?", asked Kate. "Hellow!" the girl with black skin shouted. "Who are you and what are you doing im my yard?" "My name is Kate", said the black skin girl. "Oh! my name is Kate too!" "Our names are the same", said Kate, the black skin girl. "I hope we are in the same class in school today", said Kate the white skin girl.

A few more hours later, when Kate white girl was at school she saw her! THE END

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A bully in MY CLASS?!

Once there was a mom that was planning to be a teacher. She kept telling her daughter that she was going to be one. After she said that, her daughter said: "Why don't you find something else?". "I don't want to", said her mom.

After a couple of days, mom's wish came true. She was a teacher. There was a boy in class that kept feeling unconfortable. He was always bullied by someone else. One day he had to tell the teacher. The teacher asked "What is going on?". "I'm always bullied by someone", he said. "WHAT? A bully in MY CLASS?" said the theacher. "Tomorrow I'll keep the eye out, and if I see someone that bullies someone else I'll send him to the office".

"But the bully is not a boy, maam", said Benny. "The bully is Cecilia, your daughter!!!".

"What?? My daughter??" said the teacher. "I'll tell my daugher Cecilia to stop! Tomorrow I'll make sure she'll stop".

The next day she said to Cecilia "Can you please stop bothering my children?" "I just bother Benny", said Cecilia. "Whoever it is, even Benny, stop!" "All right, mother", said Cecilia.

When the teacher went to school that day she peeked in her room and saw Cecilia tap Benny on the back. When Benny looked backwards: "Hey, stupid, every day to this day on I'm going to bother you and say stupid!!!"

Just then, the teacher came in. "Cecilia, goto the office with me!" said the teacher.

Right there, the principal didn't let her eat or go home until the next day. THE END.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The brave little duckling

There once lived a duck that had 5 eggs. She wished she could have:1567, but... I don't know why. "1567! 1567! 1567!'' shouted one day the duck. "I want to have 1567!" One day, one egg hatched.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The magic bird [unfinished]

Once upon a time, there lived a mom and a dad. They wished they would have children, but still they never got to. One day, mom made a baby, that had blue skin, and purple hare. Mom loved her, even though she had those colors.

"Look at the colors! Oh, baby! I will call you 'Lovy' '', said Mom.

Lovy alwas loved to cach birds. One day, when Lovy was playing, Lovy... [unfinished]

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Butterflies are flying insects with beautiful wings. They begin life as caterpillars. Butterflies lay eggs on leaves and twigs. The eggs are sticky, so they don't fall off. Some butterflies lay more than 1000 eggs in just a few weeks. Many eggs have a thick, rough covering.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

I love mother's day!

Once upon a time there lived a family that had triplets. One of the kids loved Mother's Day. The others loved Haloween. The one that loved Mother's Day was named Ash. One day, Ash's Mom asked her how much she loves Mom. "As much as a whole heart, Mother", Ash answered. Mom smiled. "I love you as much as the sun", said Mom. Ash smiled, too. But when Mom asked the others how much they love her all she heard was "Not very much, but a little!". Mom frowned, she never heard that kind of an answer in 1007 years!

Then she pointed at Ash. (This means Ash is the best). The other kids frowned. Mom smiled again.

"The frown came back to you!" shouted Mom to the other kids.

When it was Mother's day Mom gave the other kids extra homework all day. That is how Mom got to be with Ash on Mother's day! They became twins and lived happily ever after!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Trying to fly

Mahkala alwas tried to fly. One day, she tried to fly................................And broke her leg! We'll have to take her to the hospital.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Monday, April 9, 2007

Minnie and Moo go to the moon

The farmer stopped the tractor.
He dusted himself off and walked to the farmhouse.
Moo looked at Minnie.
She pointed at the tractor.
She pointed at the hay baler.
''We could do that, '' She said.

I obzerved.................................

I obzerved....................................................... that 11 tad poles hached out of their eggs. They wiggeled. how happy I'd be if I would have:6009 tad pole eggs.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

The little brown jay

Once there was a girl, she was a princess. She looked like an indian princess. She was very very beautiful and good. But, her voice was like a dinosaur's. One day she saw a jay in her garden. It was plain brown but its voice was prettier than the whole universe. Oh, and I forgot to tell you the princess's name was Maya. Maya started crying, and the Jay stopped flying. "Why are you crying, beautiful princess?" "I want to have the same voice as you do", Maya said. "You didn't know till now?" asked the Jay. "What?" "That you can make your own space ship." "How?", asked Maya. "I can't tell you", the Jay said, "you'll have to find out by yourself". "How can I do that?" "Go everywhere! North Pole, South America, Lexington, Washington, London, Puerto-Rico, New Hampshire, Africa, and stuff."

"Wow, that's a lot of places", she thought. "Well, I'll travel as long as I can", Maya said. And she went over India, America, and the North Pole! She found it! "At last!" she said, and went back to India, to see the Jay. "Now you must go in space, and then go to the right then left the straight. Then make your dream like this: 'I wish to have a voice like Jay's' ".

But just then, Maya's voice changed, and the Jay turned into a prince! "Oh, thank you!", said the Jay. "Don't thank me", said Maya, "you did it!". "Hey, want to have a celebration?" "Sure!"

The End

Monday, April 2, 2007

The Ugly Duck

The Brave Missing Leg

Once there was a boy, and he got toy soldiers for Easter. He loved them, and hugged them. One of them wasn't finished. It was missing a leg. The soldiers woke up at 12:00 midnight. The one that was missing a leg saw a ballerina. Just then, a Jack-in-the-box found out that they loved each other very much. He became nervous. The Jack-in-the-box tried to make Missing Leg to leave. He couldn't. They were in a big fight! First, the Jack-in-the-box threw a block at Missing Leg, then Missing Leg went out the window. It wasn't his fault. The block hit him! Missing Leg was very very very very very very sad, when the Jack-in-the-box was very very happy! Missing Leg was floating down the water.

Accidentally, a fish ate Missing Leg! Then, some sailors caught that fish, and went to Missing Leg's house!

When the Jack-in-the-box saw him, the ballerina was very very very very very very very silly because the J. gave a funny look. They were fighting again! But this time, Missing Leg won! The J. jumped into the fire! THE END

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I would like to buy a baloon


Waching t.v.

Mary likes to watch t.v. She loves to watch comedies! Mary is 8 years old! One day, the t.v. broke down. Mary was very sad for the t.v. "Can we buy another t.v.?" "I'm not sure,'' said her mom. That night, Mary spent $1 on a big t.v.
She loved it. But, in the morning, "Oh, what were you up to???'' asked her mom.
"I've got a new t.v.!" "Why??'' dad asked. "Because............................................................ I wanted to watch t.v.!" "Oh dear!" she shouted, "I feel ill!" Dad immediately shouted: "Your eyes can get hurt by the t.v."

Friday, March 30, 2007

The magic princess

Up and down and all around

Up and down and all around! A school of fish are in the playground! The teacher is hungry. She gets an apple from the cafeteria. When the bell rings, it's time to go inside. Then they eat their lunch, then they draw a picture.

Now, they are going home. And watch TV. They are happy to rest!

The End