Thursday, April 5, 2007

The little brown jay

Once there was a girl, she was a princess. She looked like an indian princess. She was very very beautiful and good. But, her voice was like a dinosaur's. One day she saw a jay in her garden. It was plain brown but its voice was prettier than the whole universe. Oh, and I forgot to tell you the princess's name was Maya. Maya started crying, and the Jay stopped flying. "Why are you crying, beautiful princess?" "I want to have the same voice as you do", Maya said. "You didn't know till now?" asked the Jay. "What?" "That you can make your own space ship." "How?", asked Maya. "I can't tell you", the Jay said, "you'll have to find out by yourself". "How can I do that?" "Go everywhere! North Pole, South America, Lexington, Washington, London, Puerto-Rico, New Hampshire, Africa, and stuff."

"Wow, that's a lot of places", she thought. "Well, I'll travel as long as I can", Maya said. And she went over India, America, and the North Pole! She found it! "At last!" she said, and went back to India, to see the Jay. "Now you must go in space, and then go to the right then left the straight. Then make your dream like this: 'I wish to have a voice like Jay's' ".

But just then, Maya's voice changed, and the Jay turned into a prince! "Oh, thank you!", said the Jay. "Don't thank me", said Maya, "you did it!". "Hey, want to have a celebration?" "Sure!"

The End

1 comment:

Serban said...

Biancuta, eu am avut voce frumoasa cind eram copil iar acum nu prea o mai am! Cum pot sa o intilnesc pe printesa Maya ca sa- mi spuna si mie cum sa- mi schimb vocea din nou!